Healthcare Dive: As COVID-19 Drives Demand for Some Healthcare Workers, Others Furloughed

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has created a divided impact on the healthcare workforce. While some health care workers, such as traveling nurses and respiratory therapists are in high demand, others, like radiologists, find themselves furloughed. CEO’s of hospitals around the United States have expressed their fear in the unavailability of essential workers to respond to COVID-19. CT and MRI techs have been cited as specialists in high demand because there are very few of them and if those few become ill, it creates a large problem in a hospital’s ability to respond to COVID-19. Micheal Ring, interventional cardiologist at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Washington remarked that the outpatient visits have dropped by 80% and predicts that this situation will prompt increased use of telehealth to combat this issue. 

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