NBC News: In Michigan, a record-breaking number of children have been hospitalized with COVID-19


Even though the children’s risk of dying from the remains low in the United States, the percentage of children getting infected has been increasing. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 1 in 5 cases detected across the country during the second week of April were reported in children. In Michigan, rates of child infection are not higher than at any other point during the pandemic: 1,150 cases per day have been reported among the 10-19 age group. The fact that vaccination is not available for those under the age of 16 is bound to exacerbate the issue. These increasing numbers have been attributed to the B.1.1.7, also known as the U.K. variant. Acute symptoms are rare but they seem to be similar to those experienced by adults. It is important to note that the severity of COVID-19 is likely to be dependent on whether or not the child has pre-existing conditions, particularly diabetes and obesity. With more schools reopening and youth sports resuming, there are concerns about the creation of conditions that enable children to get infected. Read the full article here

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