CNN: Pentagon tracking out-of-control Chinese rocket that could reenter Earth’s atmosphere

China recently launched a rocket to space, but unfortunately, the booster that detached was moving fast enough to go into orbit around the earth. Eventually, it will leave its orbit after circling the earth approximately 30 times, becoming one of the largest instances of reentry to Earth of a spacecraft, weighing in at 22 metric tons and traveling at 18,000 miles per hour. However, the key concern lies in the fact that its landing time and landing position are currently unknown, bringing fear to the general public, since landing within a residential area will be disastrous.
Astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell has been providing periodic updates on his Twitter page and also advises people not to fret. He predicts reentry of the piece to be around May 10th, and landing position to most likely be in the Pacific Ocean.
To read the full article by CNN, click here. For side information about China, click here for an infographic about earthquakes in China.

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