L.A. County won’t impose new mask mandate as coronavirus cases decline


Under the guise of improving COVID-19 cases and hospitalization rates, LA County made the executive decision of delaying the universal indoor public mask mandate. Despite this, masks are still required in indoor public transit areas, such as taxis, Ubers, airports, nursing homes, and etc. Aside from the concerns regarding the BA.2.75 variant, criticisms have arisen, especially towards the impact on local economies and the necessity of these COVID-19 policies. As a result, the public’s trust in their elected officials have waned and become a consistent topic of debate. Not to mention, because there are fewer serious cases of COVID, the remaining population have been engaging in public debate about the necessity of the mandate. While cases are declining and hospitalizations have nearly reached a flat line, deaths have remained since the beginning of the pandemic. The casualties is twice as high as what is perceived and set as typical.

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