Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
In 2002, voters passed Proposition Q, a $600 million Citywide Public Safety Bond Measure, to improve, renovate, expand and construct public safety (Police-Fire-Paramedic) facilities. Approximately $107 million of that bond measure was earmarked for the site/land acquisition, design, and construction of the new Emergency Operation Center (EOC).
The EOC is the focal point for coordination of the City’s emergency planning, training, response and recovery efforts. EOC processes follow the National All-Hazards approach to major disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes, acts of terrorism and large-scale events in the City that require involvement by multiple City departments. Also co-located in this state-of-the-art, 84,000 square feet, two-story, seismically-base-isolated facility are a new Fire Dispatch Center, Fire Department Operations Center and the Police Department Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response (RACR) Division and Operations Center.
MCR Highlights: 7,500 square feet, 29-foot high ceiling, 90 responder work areas arrayed into 16 functional “work pods.”
EOC Organization: Arranged according to NIMS/ICS standards into Management, Operations, Planning, Logistics and Finance and Administration Sections
ICS – ESF Layout: Arranged according to ICS Branch/Federal Emergency Support Functions:
Law Enforcement, Fire Service, Transportation, Utilities, Public Works, Mass Care, Damage Assessment, Emergency Management, Port and Airports
Communications: EOC local and wide area information management network, City, County-wide and amateur radio systems; primary, backup and satellite telephone systems; fully integrated audio-video display systems; video-conferencing facilities; connection to external video systems (LADP and LAFD airborne video units; LADOT ATSAC), access to NC4, NOAA weather information, Caltech seismic event information, the LA County EMIS network and the State of California’s Operational Area Satellite Information System and Response Information
Survivability: 30-foot setback from the street, perimeter fencing, blast-resistant exterior surfaces, video surveillance system, 24-hour on-site guards, emergency back-up generators, a centralized uninterrupted power source (UPS), reserve water storage tanks, redundant heating/ventilation/air conditioning systems and reserve sewage storage tanks.