
ReddiNet began in 1971 as a radio-based communication system and has vastly grown ever since. It is a service of the Hospital Association of Southern California (HASC). ReddiNet is a communication system used to exchange information among hospitals, first responders, paramedics, and other health care providers over a secure network. ReddiNet has multiple capabilities that help save lives. These capabilities include:

–       Status Module: A system to report and coordinate hospital status for hospitals, transportation providers, and dispatchers.

–       Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) Module: During disasters, this module provides a system to provide estimated victims, emergency department capacity, ambulance dispatch and arrival, patient status information, and much more.

–       Assessment Module: Allows one to have information regarding estimates of supplies, equipment, resources, and staff size when needed.

–       Messages Module: Easily send secure messages to in-network and out-of-network partners just like an email system.

–       Bed Capacity Module: Enable a quick view of an institutions ability to accept patient transfers by checking for daily bed availability and long-term bed availability.

–       Dashboard Module: All users have a dashboard to view their institution’s Alert and Diversion Status, MCIs, Assessments, Messages, and much more. The diversion status is used to notify ambulances that an emergency room is full and to divert their location elsewhere.

–       Data Exchange: ReddiNet can interface with any other emergency system already set up at the institution.

–       Family Reunification Center: Assists in tracking and reuniting patients and reported missing persons with their family members.

–       Dedicated Satellite Service: ReddiNet is backed up the satellite service in many countries.

ReddiNet includes a computer, monitor, and printer, as well as expert hardware and satellite connection with a purchase of their service. A mobile app for iPhone and Android users is available to allow you to connect to ReddiNet from anywhere! ReddiNet provides 24/7 technical support for any issues that may arise, as well as training sessions for new and existing users to get more familiar with the product.

To find out more and see the original picture visit their website at

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