SciTech Daily: 82% of People Hospitalized With COVID-19 Develop Neurological Problems

Despite being a year into the pandemic, very little information is known about neurological symptoms associated with COVID-19. However, recently, a new research paper was published which presents information about various neurological after-signs from COVID-19. A very high percentage (82%) of those who have been hospitalized with COVID-19 reported neurological symptoms, ranging from headaches to acute encephalopathy, a general term for brain disease that affects brain function. It was also discovered that those with pre-existing neurological conditions is a strong predictor for those who are most at risk for developing COVID-19 related neurological complications.
To read more on the newest finding of COVID-19’s neurological impacts, click here.
Click here for a new original article on “long COVID”, written by Sophia Gonzales and others from the EpicenterLA team.

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