NYTimes: Biden Casts America as Climate Leader and Promises a ‘Low-Carbon Future’


Unlike former President Trump, Joe Biden shared at the COP27 summit that the U.S. plans to return to focusing on climate change and limiting fossil fuel use. He even went so far as to apologize for Trump leaving the Paris Agreement. He also diverted the conversation from focusing just on pollution, to what industrialized and high-income countries can do to help poorer countries who are facing the brunt of climate consequences. Climate reparations are on the table at the UN for the first time ever, called “loss and damages.” This leaves wealthier nations to negotiate who pays and who receives. The U.S. plans to contribute to the effort by providing annual funds, as well as enforcing higher regulations (via the EPA) on methane and gas emissions. To read the full article, click here. To read more about climate change, click here.

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