Illinois Governor Signs Wide-Ranging Gun Control Bill That Outlaws ‘Assault Weapons,” Bans “High Capacity” Magazines, and Expands State’s Red Flag Law

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Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker delivered a gun control bill that bans the delivery, sale, import, and purchase of “assault weapons”, which include large capacity ammunition magazines of more than 10 rounds for long guns, and 15 rounds for handguns. Those who possess these unregistered firearms covered by the ban will be subject to offense and a felony. Current possessions will only be allowed in private property, at firing ranges, sport shooting competition, or a federal licensed gun dealer for repairs. Additionally, firearms that increase firing rates are also subject to felony. A new law would speed up universal background checks, and extends the duration of red flag law orders from six months to a year. For the full article, click here. For more information on gun violence, click here.

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