CDC Anti-Smoking Campaign Takes Aim at Menthol Cigarettes


The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) has revamped its smoking cessation campaign titled “Tips from Former Smokers”. The campaign features the personal anecdotes of 45 former smokers, which are broadcasted on television commercials and in print publications. The newest feature of the initiative is the emphasis on the dangers of menthol cigarette use. Menthol cigarettes are particularly harmful because they have anesthetizing properties, making inhalation easier and the effects significantly more addictive. Marketing of menthol cigarettes has been predominantly directed towards marginalized groups, such as Black and LGBTQ+ Americans. These advertising tactics have played a significant role in increasing cigarette use in these communities, leading to widening health disparities. This is especially prominent for the Black community, who make up 12% of the U.S. population but 41% of smoking-related premature deaths between 1980 and 2018. For these reasons, the Food and Drug Administration is attempting to outlaw menthol cigarettes, but they have been met with significant resistance from the tobacco industry. 

To read the full article from Mira Cheng at CNN, click here. 


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