WHO Report Estimates a 77% Rise in Cancer Cases by 2050


A sobering report from the World Health Organization (WHO) has found that annual cancer cases will rise from 20 million in 2022 to over 35 million in 2050, representing a 77% increase. Causes of this predicted rise in cases are the aging population and increases in obesity, air pollution, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption. Another major factor is the increase in processed foods, which is significantly contributing to the rise in colorectal cancer. The WHO report also notes disparities in cancer care, with developing countries experiencing higher mortality rates and fewer treatment options. In addition, the WHO found that only 39% of surveyed countries provide coverage for basic treatments in their health benefits plan, and only 28% cover palliative care.

To read the full article from Tina Kraus, Ian Lee, and Sara Moniuszko of CBS News, click here

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