Kratom Directly Linked to US Salmonella Outbreak


Maggie Fox-

According to the CDC, a Salmonella outbreak that has now affected 40 people across 27 different states in the US has officially been directly linked to kratom supplement use. Kratom is a plant-based stimulant used as a substitute to opioids. As of now, 14 of the 40 affected individuals had to be hospitalized. California currently reports 3 cases of kratom related Salmonella. The connection between the Salmonella outbreak and the kratom supplements was discovered after samples of kratom supplements were collected and analyzed from two separate outbreak cases in two different states, Utah and South Dakota. Both supplements found to contain the outbreak strain of Salmonella. Currently, no single product or supplier has been linked to the outbreak. As a result, the CDC recommends individuals to restrain from any form of kratom consumption until further notice.


Click here to read our previous post concerning the outbreak.

Click here to read the full article.

Click here to view the CDC information on the outbreak.

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