WHO: Lassa Fever Outbreak in Nigeria Continues

A CDC specialist dissecting a rat captured in a village in central Nigeria

As of January 1, 2018, Nigeria suffered a widespread Lassa fever outbreak that is finally starting to decline. Over 1,849 cases have been reported across 21 states for possible Lassa fever. 413 of those reported were in fact infected, 1,422 tested negative, 9 were classified as probable infection, and the remaining cases are still pending laboratory confirmation. Unfortunately, some health care providers working to combat this outbreak have been infected. As of mid-April, 27 medical professionals were infected and 8 have died. Lassa fever is an acute viral hemorrhagic fever transmitted to humans through contact with items contaminated with aerosolized rat urine. The WHO recommends enhancing hygiene practices to prevent rodent entry into homes. To read more about the outbreak, click here.

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