NPR: When Does COVID-19 Become A Disability? ‘Long-Haulers’ Push For Answers And Benefits


It has been ten months since Jodee Pineau-Chaisson, a 55-year old woman without pre-existing conditions, contracted COVID-19. Now, she is unable to work due to a myriad of symptoms. She experiences body pain, heart murmurs, memory problems, depression, and chronic fatigue. Many long-haulers also face similar debilitating symptoms and seek financial help from Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). The criteria to qualify for this program, however, is very strict and it could take up to ten months to hear a response. Because it is often hard to prove long-hauler symptoms or receive a medical diagnosis, long-haulers often struggle to receive benefits. The Social Security Administration states that the current disability criteria are sufficient for evaluating cases related to COVID-19 despite very limited information on long-haulers. Read the full article on NPR by Gabrielle Emanuel here.

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