Covid-19 Infections on the Rise Amongst Kids


As the delta variant continues to rampage the country, unvaccinated individuals are being hit the hardest. Among this group are children under the age of 12 who have not yet become eligible for vaccination due to a lack of data surrounding safety and tolerance (Read the Epicenter’s update on vaccines for children here). However, as the country continues its back-to-school season, Covid-19 infections among children are rising. Last week there were more than 243,000 reported pediatric cases according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Importantly this number seems to be on the rise, as is the percentage of infected children who seek care at the hospital. Until these students can qualify for vaccination, they will be relying on the immunity of those adults around them, making it even more important for eligible individuals to get vaccinated. Read the full report on the state of Covid-19 in children here

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