NBC News: Should You Wait Until Fall to Get a Second Booster?


In March, the Food and Drug Administration authorized a second booster for people ages 50 and up. Shortly after, the CDC approved the FDA’s move, saying that these individuals “may” take a second booster if they choose, but that they should speak with their doctors to determine if the second booster is needed. According to Elisha Hall, the CDC’s clinical guidelines lead for the COVID-19 emergency response, people aged 50 and up should consider getting a second booster sooner rather than later if they have underlying medical conditions, live with people who are at high risk for severe COVID, or have jobs that put them at risk for COVID exposure, such as those who travel or must be in large groups. Additionally, people recently infected with the omicron variant could also wait until the fall. However, the group also recommended that doctors ease off on those who are hesitant to receive the second booster if they are at low risk of disease — and wait until this fall for an additional shot if instances rise again. More on the article by Erika Edwards, can be viewed here

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