CNBC: Long Covid is affecting women more than men, national survey finds


According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau and National Center for Health Statistics published this month, Covid is more common among women than men. Over 17% of women have had long Covid during the pandemic compared to 11% men. A JAMA study looked at more than 16,000 adults who tested positive for Covid from February 2021 through July 2022 from a national online survey conducted every six weeks called the Covid States Project found similar trends. 18% of Covid survivors were women who continued to have symptoms 2 months after testing positive while it was 10% for men of the same conditions. The study also found 60% victims of long Covid were infected with the original virus strain from China and 87% of people who have had long Covid were unvaccinated. It is currently not known the causes of long Covid and why women are more susceptible but The National Institutes of Health is conducting a 400,000 patient study to find out more. The full article by Spencer Kimball can be read here on CNBC. For more information on COVID-19 click here.

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