PRR – Additional Needs – Earthquakes


Seniors are recommended to form a support network which can include family, neighbors, or friends. This support network can be a good source to check up on seniors in case of an emergency. You can work as a team to prepare for an earthquake, and make sure someone can check on you during the time of a disaster. It is also a good idea to know about your community’s evacuation plan. Once the shaking has come to a complete stop, you can evacuate with the rest of your neighborhood. Making a disaster supply kit with enough food, water, and medications to last a few days is important and highly recommended. To go further into detail and the supply kit, there should be enough food and water supplied for at least 3-10 days. A couple of extra, useful items to have in the kit include a first aid kid, flashlights, a radio, batteries, cash and important documents, clothing, tools, and sanitation supplies.


Public shelters/relief organizations like the American Red Cross are open to people if there happens to be a large disaster.

  • Bethel Wesley United Methodist Activity Center

  • Lincoln Fundamental School



The most important thing for senior citizens to do first during the event of an earthquake is to move to a safe place. For example, moving away from objects that could fall or a window. The next step is to drop under a sturdy object while keeping your head down, cover your head and hold something stable, and remember to stay there until the shaking has come to a complete stop. If during the earthquake someone is trapped under debris, avoid inhaling the dust, cover their mouth, and make a lot of noise for help. If the authorities specify that people need to evacuate then do so. There are many public shelters around that will take in large groups of people for a several days.



After an earthquake occurs, senior citizens need to first make sure they are not suffering for any bad injuries because that is the priority. Senior citizens are more prone to result in injuries after a severe earthquake. The next step is to decide whether it is safe enough to evacuate or not. If everything seems safe then exit the premises, but if it seems to be difficult, stay put. If there is no structural damage in the area, then staying put is completely safe. Make sure to look for people that can help you evacuate and can be of assistance during the process. Next, reach out to a family member so they can meet you at your evacuation spot. Within the next couple of weeks, community members, family, and friends should come together to recover. It is important to make sure your home has returned to a safe place for you to live again. If you are not able to stay in your home there are shelters that provide basic care.


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