NBC: Biden admin plans to roll out updated Covid booster shots in September


The White House has decided to offer new COVID-19 booster vaccines by September. The new shots will be geared toward fighting the new extremely contagious omicron subvariants BA.5 and BA.4. The Biden administration has purchased millions of the retooled booster vaccines from pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna who say their shots will be ready by fall. Both companies put together will be providing 171 million new boosters for the fall and winter but this won’t be enough for every American. Similar to previous boosters, the elderly and people at high risk of COVID-19 hospitalizations will be the first to receive the boosters. Currently, omicron subvariants BA.5 and BA.4 make up 90% of all new cases so these vaccines come in response to this increase. The full article by Marlene Lenthang and Kristen Welker can be read here on NBC. For more information on COVID-19 vaccines click here.

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