People that are eligible for a booster shot have received their second dose of the Pfizer vaccine at least six months ago and fall within one or more of the three high risk groups:
1. 65 years old or older
2. have a medical condition that puts them at a high risk of severe illness with Covid such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure
3. work or live in a high risk exposure setting such as healthcare settings, schools, shelters, and prisons
People can receive their booster shots at pharmacies, doctors’ offices, and some vaccination sites, free of cost regardless of insurance.
Currently, those who have received Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are ineligible to receive the booster shot.
The CDC states that booster shots are necessary particularly for people 65 and older, as protection by the vaccine (vaccine effectiveness) decreases over time.
A doctor’s note is not necessary to receive the booster vaccine.
Read the full article on CNN here.
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