CNN: CDC research finds, about 60% of Americans currently have antibodies against Covid-19 infection.


According to recent data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 60% of adults and 75% of children have antibodies suggesting COVID-19 infection. At the start of December, a projected 34% of Americans had antibodies indicating that they had previously been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. After a series of cases caused by the Omicron strain, that figure rose to 58 percent by the end of February. However, it is unclear what these test findings indicate in terms of personal or communal protection against future infections. Clarke said Tuesday that “we still do not know how long infection-induced immunity will last, and we cannot know from the study, again, whether all people who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies continue to have protection from their prior infection.” As a result, the CDC advises all Americans to keep up to date on their COVID-19 immunizations by receiving the required shots and boosters. The figures are based on random, anonymous examinations of blood samples provided to commercial laboratories in the United States. The testing measures antibodies produced by the virus that causes COVID-19, and because these antibodies are not produced by immunizations, the testing is used to determine what percentage of the population has been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The full article by Brenda Goodman can be found here

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