Fox News: Another COVID variant could emerge this winter, Fauci warns
On Tuesday the White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci warned Tuesday that should not be surprised if a new COVID-19 variant appears in winter. At an event with the USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism, he said although hospitalizations, cases, and deaths are down across the nation it’s likely another variant will emerge that might be able to elude the immune response from infection or vaccination. Dr. Fauci pointed out how Summer 2021 was going well until the delta variant in the fall, then omicron in winter and then many sub variants of omicron since. Dr. Fauci also encouraged people to take the updated booster shot that was made specifically to combat omicron sub lineages. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the omicron subvariant BA.5 currently makes up more than 81% of COVID-19 cases. The full article by Julia Musto can be read here on Fox News. For more information on COVID-19 click here.
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